Lean Your Head On The Lord's Shoulder

Lyn Alderson • September 10, 2019

See the love in his eyes: an invitation to get close to God

At the Last Supper, we are told that “one of the disciples, the one that Jesus loved dearly, was reclining against him, his head on his shoulder” (John 13:23 The Message).

The Beloved disciple was John; he was the one that Jesus was closest to out of the twelve.

Today, we are offered the same privilege of an intimate relationship with Jesus. He offers his shoulder to us to lean on. He wants us to lean towards him in intimacy, as John did. The Lord desires that we should get very close to him. This message appears in different forms over and over again, throughout the Bible.

Song of Songs 8:5 says: “Who is this coming up from the wilderness, leaning on her beloved?” Here is a picture of a bride leaning upon her husband, with great freedom, familiarity, and deep affection. As we get closer and closer to Jesus, leaning upon him as our strength and support, he will lead us out of our dry, wilderness places.

When we draw near to God, he draws near to us (James 4:8). We shouldn’t hesitate to tell him everything that’s on our heart, we can pour it all out, knowing that we are loved and accepted. God really wants us to be honest before him. He wants a two-way relationship with us.

Here are some words of encouragement that the Lord spoke to me, one day, just a quiet whisper in my heart. I believe he wants to say the same to you, too:

“My child, I want you to enjoy me, and allow me to enjoy your company. Be present to me, just as I am present to you.

“I am seeking your face, looking for your rapt gaze that is only for me!

This is not a one-way relationship where you’re looking in vain for a response. Meet my eyes, see that they are full of love, compassion and intimate knowledge of you, knowing every hurt, every struggle, every hope, every joy, every passion of your heart, all your history, all your yesterdays and all your tomorrows.

“I know the day of your birth and the day of your coming home to me when all your work on earth is done. I know all that will happen in between.

“This is your security, for I know all your secrets and I love you, completely and faithfully and eternally. When you look into my face like this every day, you will change, you will be transformed, you will never be the same.

“I am everything you need, today and forever. I am your pearl of great price, your greatest possession, your dearest thought, your song on the night. Respond to me Beloved, for you are mine.”

Five practical tips for getting closer to God

1. Read his Word (the Bible) every day if possible, or as often as you can,  in a quiet place.

2. Pray with thanksgiving. Talk about your life, outlining your needs and also thanking God for the blessings that you already have. Keep praying until you feel the burden of your soul has been lifted off you (see Philippians 4:6).

3. Sit very quietly and still your mind. Take one verse of scripture and meditate on it. Slowly focus on one word at a time, concentrating on the meaning of each word.

4. Ask God questions about this verse and how it applies to you. Listen for his response in your heart. It may appear like a still, small voice, an inner knowing, or a flash of insight.

5. Write your insights down in a journal and take action, aiming to do everything that God has shown you.

These are the steps I take myself to foster intimacy with God. I also treasure the sacraments and liturgy of the church which carry supernatural graces. I pray you will be blessed in your relationship with the Lord.

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