Mary and the Saints

Mary's God-given mission as Mother of the Church was bestowed at Calvary
By Lyn Alderson April 4, 2024
At the foot of the cross, Mary's role as Mother of God was expanded as Jesus asked her to become Mother of the Church: "Woman, Behold Your Son".
By Lyn Alderson January 31, 2024
Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist, can teach us a few things about faith. Christian author Lyn Peterson looks at believing for the impossible.
By Lyn Alderson March 10, 2020
The 'Little Flower', St. Therese of Lisieux, had a unique vision of God's grace - that we can go to God as little children, trusting him in all things and we can bloom exactly where God has planted us. Lyn Alderson shares a few thoughts on this unassuming saint.
By Lyn Alderson December 6, 2019
Mary was given an incredible assignment- to give birth to the Son of God. In saying yes, she played an important role in salvation history. We too can say yes to God and set the scene for miracles to happen. By Lyn Peterson, author of Royal Birds: God's Overcoming Daughters
By Lyn Alderson October 28, 2019
As we run our personal races for Jesus, we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses looking down from Heaven's stadium. So let's put our best feet forward.
By Lyn Peterson April 4, 2019
Mary of Bethany will always be remembered for anointing the feet of Jesus Christ, the radical Jewish rabbi and Son of God. And she's also famous for breaking gender stereotypes as a first century disciple.
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