Defeating the spirit of fear

Lyn Peterson • June 10, 2019

Living adventurously for God

Wow, look at the woman on the swing- would you like to be this adventurous?

Maybe God is calling us to become brave warriors, where matters of faith are concerned!

Perhaps, like me, you feel God calling you out of your comfort zone to do something bold for his Kingdom. Or maybe he wants to expand your borders, use your talents, or bring about growth in a particular area of your life.

God is always calling us into a deeper, more intimate relationship with himself, or wanting to address areas of resistance where we are stuck and struggling to move forward. It’s so easy to shrink back from a challenge and give in to fear (I know this from personal experience)- but let’s encourage each other to take the higher path and follow where the Spirit leads us. Let’s be like St Peter and step out of the boat, and walk on the water with Jesus.

We will only overcome our doubts when we keep our eyes on the Lord and not on the waves. How quickly fear can assail us when we look at the raging waters around us! And it’s unlikely we will stop feeling fear on particular occasions when we are doing something new, or something bigger than we’ve done in the past.

The only way forward is to take action- to do what God is calling us to do despite the nerves and apprehension. Is there an open door before you? Then take a deep breath and walk right through it!

Entering the promised land

Who knows what might happen? Beyond fear is the promised land, and God has promised to give us every square inch of the land where we set our feet (Joshua 1:3). That means that we listen carefully to the Holy Spirit, confirm that we are going in the right direction, and then keep moving forward.

I’m not saying that it’s easy to fight fear, because I know how intimidating it can be. I am still struggling in certain areas. And it’s not just me, there are millions more out there feeling terrified about something. Fear is a common human experience, but God says we shouldn’t give in to it, we must look above it with eyes of faith. The battle, and the victory, belong to the Lord.

It’s time to become confident in our God, and face up to our giants just like David did. David didn’t run away when the enemy threatened him- he grabbed his weapon, a humble sling, and declared out loud: “I come against you in the name of the Lord almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied”. And then he took aim and killed the giant, stone dead.

Tips for overcoming fear

We can only be free from fear when we are filled with God’s love. St John the Apostle wrote: "Perfect Love casts out fear". And to receive this love, we need quality time with our Friend and Comforter: we need prayer time every day. We need to calm ourselves and sit quietly at his feet. Then we can receive strength and encouragement from our Lord. His strength is made perfect in our weakness. Why not ask Jesus to lead you to a scripture that fits your personal situation, then meditate on it for a few days or weeks. Explore the depths of meaning in every word, and speak it out loud every day. Get the word into your heart until you believe it. Don't forget that the sacrament of the Eucharist is also a source of strength for Christians, and it's important to make a good confession too if you have any unconfessed sins, as a guilty conscience will often make us fearful inside.

At some point, in certain situations, you will need to take action and stop avoiding the situations that make you uncomfortable. The more you run away from your object of fear, the more anxiety will grow. You have to face the fear and do it anyway! Focus upon the opportunities and not the threats that you associate with your situation. Embrace the vision and see with eyes of faith the open doors that God is putting before you. Take obedient steps of faith towards your godly destiny, even if you still feel nervous.

Jesus has promised he will never leave us or forsake us. He has all of the resources we need to fulfil his plans for us and he is committed to us. But we also need our brothers and sisters, so let’s help each other on this journey, speaking words of faith and giving practical and emotional support to each other as the body of Christ.

There is a book I highly recommend for anyone struggling with fear and anxiety. I Will Not Fear is written from a Christian perspective by Mark De Jesus, a former pastor, now a Christian blogger and coach who has made lots of YouTube videos. He has quite a sense of humour but really understands how fear affects us and has been through his battles and found victory through Christ. Mark has a lot of resources on his website, including helpful materials for anyone suffering from religious scrupulosity, and it's worth taking a look.


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