We all need to talk with Jesus- but what’s his number? According to a Christian friend of mine, the emergency hotline number to God is 333- a reference to Jeremiah 33:3.
This verse gives us a wonderful promise: “Call to me and I will answer you. I’ll tell you marvellous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own” (THE MESSAGE).
I know from my own experience that this is true. God is waiting and willing to engage with us, even though he’s running the universe. He’s never too busy to give us a private audience, even though he’s the High King!
When God speaks to your heart, it is like being flooded with light from the inside and there is just no substitute for this divine revelation. You will sometimes perceive a completely new angle on a situation that’s been bothering you.
There are so many situations where I haven’t seen the whole picture until I took the time to pray it through and listen for God’s still, small voice. On various occasions, I have heard God’s reply immediately, but at other times, I’ve had to wait a while for an answer. Sometimes, we have to pray quite a few times, but if we persevere in prayer, we will eventually get the breakthrough we need.
God is not too busy to spend time with us even though he’s running the universe. The Bible tells us about our Father’s amazing, loving personality:
• He’s filled with joy and sings over us (Zephaniah 3:17). • He’s tender-hearted, forgiving, patient and kind (Psalm 130:3-4; Luke 15; 2 Peter 3:9). • He’s eager to spend time with his children (Jeremiah 31:20; Psalm 23:5-6). • He knows every detail of our lives (Psalm 139:1-18). • He’s warm and loving (Isaiah 40:11). • He takes delight in us and wants us to rely on his unfailing love (Psalm 147:10-12).There is so much to discover about the Father’s loving heart in the pages of the Bible. If we commit ourselves to studying the scriptures regularly, we can really get to know our amazing, compassionate Father intimately. We can begin to enjoy God and appreciate the fact that he is happy when we spend time with him. He takes pleasure in being with us and wants to give us more and more of his love, affection and wisdom. As Christian women our highest calling is to build a loving relationship with God. From this, everything else will flow; the love we have for others, our acts of service, and our own emotional and spiritual healing.
Jesus wants to download his peace and fill you with his love every day- so go on, dial 333 to WhatsApp with the King!