Do you ever get an attack of low self-esteem, feeling that you’re not important, or not good enough? Do you sometimes feel that other people are brighter, more attractive or spiritually superior to you?
Most of us have at least a few ‘bad days’ when we feel like ugly ducklings, failures or weaklings- this feeling of unworthiness is tied to the human condition. As human beings we are less than perfect; this means that we can easily become disappointed with ourselves.
We can actually be very harsh with ourselves and see ourselves as rejects, losers, orphans, or poor kids- but that’s not who we are! These negative sticky labels need to be removed from our foreheads, with God’s help.
Whenever our beliefs about ourselves contradict what God says about us, there is only one solution: we must change our thinking. God wants us to accept ourselves and allow his Word to define us. He will tell us who we are and who we are not.
Why not ask God to reveal to you the attributes he has hidden within you? He wants to call these things into being and make them a reality as you dare to believe them.
As an example, think about Gideon’s poor self-concept (see Judges chapters 6-8). He didn’t feel like a brave warrior when he hid in the wine press to thresh wheat out of sight of the Midianites. But God sent an angel to challenge him with the words: “God is with you, mighty warrior!”
Gideon started off full of fear and doubt in his ability, but once he had decided to trust God’s assessment of his new identity, he became what he was called to be, Israel’s military leader. He led his people to victory against all of the odds stacked up against them.
If you struggle to believe in yourself as a child of God, I understand, because I’ve been in that place too- and I still go there when I have a bad day. But let’s remind ourselves of the truth of who we are through baptism:
· We are God’s very own children, chosen from the beginning of time
· We are prophets, priests and kings, citizens of a holy nation
· We are God’s special possession
· We are wonderful creations, the work of God’s own hands, created by Love Himself
· We are people of purpose and destiny, called to love God and other people, because God first loved us
· We are princes and princesses- of the warrior kind. God is making us into overcomers.
· We are branches of the true vine, Jesus, carrying life to the world
· We form a holy temple in which God’s Spirit lives
· We are Christ’s friends.
Remember to meditate on these truths and absorb their full potential, because there is mighty transformational power in God’s word.
And finally, let’s remember that God sings over us! What better image is there to keep in mind when we are feeling unloved… a Father who is a Mighty Warrior, singing over his children and taking great delight in us (Zephaniah 3:17).
When we embrace our true identities in Christ, we will be the best possible version of ourselves and we will be inspired to complete our divine missions here on earth with joy and confidence in the Lord.